BKC (Banashankari Kidney Care) Centre is a Team of award-winning Nephrologists and Urologists from Bengaluru’s Gleneagles BGS Hospital.
Welcome to the realm of unwavering commitment to kidney health at BKC! Our Nephrology and Urology Department stands as a beacon of trust and expertise,
dedicated to ensuring the well-being of your kidneys.Incorporate with Gleneagles BGS Hospitals since 2012, Renowned for our commitment,our team
comprises seasoned Nephrologists and Urologistswho are dedicated to providing top-notch care for a spectrum of kidney-related conditions.
From comprehensive diagnostic services to cutting-edge treatment modalities, we prioritize your kidney health with precision and compassion.
BKC has provided diagnostic and healthcare services in Nephrology, Urology, Andrology and Renal transplantations.We provide a comprehensive care in the field
of Kidney health, Men's sexual and reproductive issues. Our patients have trusted BKC, because of its matchless expertise in the field of kidney transplantation
with latest technologies and are one of the largest kidney transplant centres in the state. Our achievements include performing the most kidney transplants
in Karnatakain the last 15+ years.BKC currently performs average 8-10 kidney transplants a month.
Our Department isn't just about treating conditions – it's a commitment to your kidney health journey. At BKC, we strive to be your trusted partners, offering
comprehensive solutions that prioritize your well-being above all else. Trust us to safeguard your kidney health with expertise, compassion,
and a dedication to providing the highest standard of care. Your journey to optimal kidney health starts here, at BKC.